I’ve received contributor copies of the July/August issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction, containing my poem “A Quartet of Alphabetic Babbles” ๐
I’ve received contributor copies of the July/August issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction, containing my poem “A Quartet of Alphabetic Babbles” ๐
My short-short story Catastrophe has just been published in Frozen Wavelets.
My poem “Shapeshifter” has been accepted for the next issue of Eye to the Telescope ๐
I had another poem accepted by Star*Line, my sixth acceptance from them in the past two months ๐ I should make it clear that they have also rejected a whole bunch of my poems. (I’ve been sending batches of five poems at a time, of which they have, lately, been taking one and rejecting four.)
This Saturday, June 13, I’ll be giving a Zoom poetry reading as part of AmazingCon, a virtual convention. Please come and listen! I’ll be reading poetry from science haiku to epic fantasy. The reading is at 10 AM, EDT, on Saturday June 13. Here is the full schedule of readings. Here is the registration page. (They request but don’t require donations.)
I am delighted to report that two of my poems will be included in this year’s Dwarf Stars anthology. The poems are “How to Time Travel” (first published in Analog) and “How to Notice a Dark Nebula” (first published in Triangulation: Dark Skies).
And I also had six poems accepted for inclusion in a forthcoming Asian SF/F anthology, Insignia 2020
I had two very different poems published today, both of which may be read online. An astronomy poem, How to Observe the Horsehead Nebula, appeared in Uppagus #40, June 2020, and Midnight, a poem from my epic fantasy The Sign of the Dragon, appeared in Instincts #7, June 2020.
Two of my poems from The Sign of the Dragon will be reprinted in Instincts.