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What's New?
I’m delighted to report a poetry acceptance from Constellations, my seventh from them 🙂
finalist for AnLab + Asimov’s Readers’ awards
I am delighted to report that two of my poems are finalists for readers’ awards. So This Is Mars is a finalist for the AnLab Award. And What They Didn’t Do is a finalist for the Asimov’s Readers’ Award. It means a great deal to me that readers liked my work 🙂 🙂 🙂
Eye to the Telescope
I’m delighted to report a poetry acceptance for the Plants issue of Eye to the Telescope, edited by Eva Papasoulioti 🙂
Strange Horizons
I’m delighted to report my ninth poetry acceptance from Strange Horizons 🙂 🙂
I’m delighted to report that I had two poems accepted by Star*Line 🙂