My poem Train Algebra has just been published in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, my second poem to appear there ๐
My poem Train Algebra has just been published in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, my second poem to appear there ๐
I’m delighted to report that my poem What Cacti Read has just been published by Strange Horizons, my fourth poem to appear there ๐
My poem Menagerie is in issue 50 of Silver Blade ๐
I’m very happy to report my eleventh short story sale to Daily Science Fiction ๐
Diane Callahan has an excellent article on speculative poetry at — Weird as Hell: Falling in Love With Speculative Poetry.
I’m delighted to have a poem — How to Tidy the Asteroids — included in this year’s Dwarf Stars anthology. The poem first appeared in Rune 2020.
I’m happy to report that my poem Not for Sale, Used Asteroid, One Owner is in the July issue of The Future Fire, my second poem to appear there ๐
I just received my 64th (!) acceptance from Star*Line in an impressive one-day turnaround. Would that all magazines were as speedy!
My short-short story Preface to “Monster Hunter” was published in Daily Science Fiction, my tenth story to appear there ๐
My poem “How to Go Twelfth” has won the AnLab Readers’ Award in the poetry category. It makes me very happy indeed that readers liked the poem ๐ ๐