My poems “modern poetry” and “Minecraft” are both in the latest issue of Ship of Fools π
My poems “modern poetry” and “Minecraft” are both in the latest issue of Ship of Fools π
Yay! My poem How to Be Invisible, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Star*Line (who first published the poem).
I am entirely delighted to report that Fantasy & Science Fiction has accepted my poem “Guinevere” π π
My poem Between Battles has appeared in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, my sixth poem from The Sign of the Dragon to find a home there π
I am honored and delighted that two of my poems, Advice for Time Travelers and How to Betray Sagittarius A*, have just been published in Strange Horizons as part of their fundraising drive. And I am also delighted that my poem “Coming of Age 2150” has been accepted by DreamForge, a new magazine that will be launching in 2019.
My science fiction poem “Snubbed” has been accepted by Star*Line π
My poems “How to be Invisible” and “What They Took” are in the new, fall issue of Star*Line π
My science fiction short story “A Retrospective on the Third Millennium” has been accepted by Daily Science Fiction. While still under a thousand words, this is the longest of the four stories that I’ve had accepted by Daily Science Fiction.
My short-short story Keeping House has just been published in Daily Science Fiction, my third story to appear there π