Monday, 23 January 2017

I had two King Xau poems published today. Respect, a personal favorite of mine, appeared in Polu Texni, and The Imperial War: Onset appeared in Grievous Angel πŸ™‚

Thursday, 19 January 2017

My poem Undecorating has been published by Songs of Eretz Poetry Review. If my tally is correct, it is my three hundredth poem to be published!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

My poems “The Dark Equations” and “Advice to a Six-Year-Old” have both been accepted by Star*Line. Both are new poems, written earlier this month. Sometimes it takes me years to get poems accepted (if I succeed at all). I much prefer when they find a home quickly!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

My poem “Preschool 2050” is in the Robots issue of Eye to the Telescope πŸ™‚

Also, my poem “Tirron” has been accepted by Mirror Dance, and will be my fifth poem to appear there. As with the other four poems that appeared in Mirror Dance, “Tirron” is part of The Sign of the Dragon.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

I have four poems in the new issue of Star*Line (issue #40.1, Winter 2017). All four poems were written in October-November 2016. One of them, Wilderness 2050, may be read online, as it is an Editor’s Choice poem.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

I am delighted to report that my poem First Lesson has been nominated for the 2017 Rhysling Award πŸ™‚ “First Lesson” is part of The Sign of the Dragon, and first appeared in Silver Blade.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

My poem “Preschool 2050” has been accepted for the forthcoming Robots issue of Eye to the Telescope πŸ™‚

Sunday, 1 January 2017

First and foremost, Happy New Year! May 2017 be kind to you.

Secondly, a quick summary of 2016 on the writing front. I wrote 97 new poems, revised many more, revised and re-revised The Sign of the Dragon, and wrote two short stories. I had 66 acceptances, 67 publications, 3 of my poems were nominated for the Rhysling Award, and I won the Elgin Awardfor Crowned πŸ™‚ Balanced against this, I had a very large number of rejections (untallied, but probably about a thousand, since even when I have a poem accepted, the place accepting it usually rejects the other poems that I sent in that batch).

Thirdly, Crowned received two more Goodreads reviews in December: one by Jenny Blackford and one by John Reinhart πŸ™‚

Saturday, 24 December 2016

The official publication date isn’t until January, but I have received contributor copies of the Jan/Feb 2017 issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction containing my poem “Kingship” and I am happy πŸ™‚

This is my first poem in F&SF, though I have had four short stories published there. It is (surprise, surprise) a poem about King Xau, and I am fond of it.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

I have poems, all reprints, out in Issue 19 of The Were-Traveler πŸ™‚

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