I’m happy to report my fifth poetry acceptance from Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine π
I’m happy to report my fifth poetry acceptance from Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine π
Jean-Paul Garnier of Space Cowboy Books interviewed me and I read from How to Navigate Our Universe. You can watch the video here.
I’m delighted to report that my poem “Sphinx,” first published in Asimov’s Science Fiction, has been nominated for the Rhysling Award π π
I’m delighted to have my poem What Giants Read in Strange Horizons, my sixth poem to appear there π π
My poem “The Blackthorn” has been published in Dreams and Nightmares π
I’m happy to report a poetry acceptance from Star*Line, my 80th from them (!)
I’m delighted to report that my poem “How to Help Hubble,” first published in How to Navigate Our Universe, has been nominated for the Rhysling Award π π
Just signed a poetry contract from NewMyths.com π
I’m honored and delighted that my poem “Dispatches from the Dragon’s Den” has been nominated for the Rhysling Award π π The poem first appeared in Star*Line #46.2, Spring 2023.
My poem “Death Cheats at Cards” is in the new issue of Star*Line, my first publication of 2024. Happy New Year!