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Sunday, 1 January 2017

First and foremost, Happy New Year! May 2017 be kind to you.

Secondly, a quick summary of 2016 on the writing front. I wrote 97 new poems, revised many more, revised and re-revised The Sign of the Dragon, and wrote two short stories. I had 66 acceptances, 67 publications, 3 of my poems were nominated for the Rhysling Award, and I won the Elgin Awardfor Crowned πŸ™‚ Balanced against this, I had a very large number of rejections (untallied, but probably about a thousand, since even when I have a poem accepted, the place accepting it usually rejects the other poems that I sent in that batch).

Thirdly, Crowned received two more Goodreads reviews in December: one by Jenny Blackford and one by John Reinhart πŸ™‚

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