2016 Mailbox Blues Archive
Wednesday, 27 July 2016

I am delighted to say that my poem “Keng” has been accepted by Ligature Works for their first issue, which should be out around the end of September. “Keng” is a poem from the perspective of King Xau’s eldest child.

Also, my poem Widow has been published in Songs of Eretz Poetry Review. “Widow” is from the perspective of King Xau’s sister.I am delighted to say that my poem “Keng” has been accepted by Ligature Works for their first issue, which should be out around the end of September. “Keng” is a poem from the perspective of King Xau’s eldest child.

Also, my poem Widow has been published in Songs of Eretz Poetry Review. “Widow” is from the perspective of King Xau’s sister.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

My poem “School Library” is in the latest issue of Main Street Rag πŸ™‚ This is my twentieth poem to appear there.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

My poem “Recruits” has been accepted by Mirror Dance, and will be my fourth King Xau poem to appear there πŸ™‚

Monday, 18 July 2016

Today was a good mail-day. I had three King Xau poems accepted, “The Imperial War: Onset” by Grievous Angel, and both “Traveling” and “Sheep” by Ship of Fools.

Friday, 15 July 2016

My poem “Stepmother” is in the new issue of Eye to the Telescope. I am delighted to be included in the issue, especially as it contains several pieces that I love, my favorite of all being John C. Mannone’s “Emancipation,” which is beautifully written, specific in its details, and universal in its theme.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

I have several upcoming author appearances: I will be at MidAmericon II (the 74th Worldcon) in August and will be on the “Mars Needs Poets” panel at 11 am on Thursday the 18th and the “Beta Readers” panel at 1 pm on Friday the 19th. I am particularly glad that both Mary Turzillo and Jo Walton will be on the poetry panel: Mary Turzillo because I already know her and she will be a friendly face, and Jo Walton because her novel “Among Others” is one of my favorite books.

And I will be at Confluence (the annual Pittsburgh SF/F/H conference) in two weeks. I’m scheduled for 5 panels, plus a Kaffeeklatsch on dragons with Andi O’Connor, an autograph session, and a reading with Timons Esaias at 1 pm on Sunday.

Lastly, in 5 days time, on Tuesday 7/19/2016 at 8 pm, I will be reading at the Hemingway’s Poetry Series in Pittsburgh, a summer poetry series that has been running for over 40 years. Coincidentally I will again be reading with Timons Esaias (plus Charlie Brice, Jay Carson, Ann Curran, and Judith Robinson).

Saturday, 9 July 2016

My King Xau poem Why the King Wept is in today’s edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette πŸ™‚ Yay πŸ™‚ The poem was first published earlier this year in Uppagus.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

My poem “Arrow” has been accepted by Songs of Eretz Poetry Review. “Arrow” is a King Xau poem that introduces a new character into the epic, and I am rather fond of it.

Friday, 1 July 2016

I am happy to report that my poem “Stepmother” has been accepted by Eye to the Telescope. I wrote the poem as part of the King Xau epic, but am unsure whether I’ll keep it there. (It has a different tone than most of the poems.)

Monday, 27 June 2016

Today I received $75 payment and the contract from Fantasy & Science Fiction for my poem “Kingship” πŸ™‚ For those of you who are not poets, $75 is a very good payment for a poem. I think I’ve only twice received more (one of those two happy occasions being last week when I won the Poetry Nook contest).

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