I’m happy to report a poetry acceptance from yawp π
I’m happy to report a poetry acceptance from yawp π
I am very happy to report that Uppagus has accepted four more of my poems π π
I’m happy to report recent poetry acceptances from Star*Line and from Eye to the Telescope π
I’m delighted to report that my poem Escher’s Cat is in the latest issue of Uppagus π
I’m delighted to report that Strange Horizons has published a review by Vivian Wagner of “How to Navigate Our Universe” π
I am delighted and honored to report that one of my poems is a finalist for the AnLab Readers’ Award and two of my poems are finalists for the Asimov’s Readers’ Award π π
My poem “How to Fall for Io” (first published in How to Navigate Our Universe) is one of many poems that you can listen to at SFPA’s Valentine’s Day Poetry Reading, curated by Akua Lezli Hope.
My poem “Raised by Mushrooms” has been reprinted in a Chinese translation in Translations 2024 #1; the poem first appeared in Star*Line.
I’m happy to report my fifth poetry acceptance from Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine π
Jean-Paul Garnier of Space Cowboy Books interviewed me and I read from How to Navigate Our Universe. You can watch the video here.